You have reached, however, the website you are looking for is, don't worry, we have made it very easy for you to reach the right place. Simply click one of the links on this website and we will take you through to The Item and the correct website. While you are here, there is plenty of information about The Item, you can even find our social media pages using the links below.

What is The Item?

Essentially, we are a video-based, online shop selling everything you need for caring and supporting others.

It does not matter if you are a care home, nursing home, hospital, trust, hospice, or a private carer, unpaid carer, or supporting a loved one. You will find amazing items to help them and help you. We interview the manufacturers and make them stand by their products and we provide expert advice to make sure you can make an informed purchase and get the right item, for the right condition, at the right time.

Specialist Items at the right time.

If you search dementia products online, how do you know the item or the information is correct? There are over 200 dementias and what is right for someone with Alzheimer's disease, may not be right for someone with Vascular Dementia. Similarly, an item for a person in early dementia might not be suitable for someone with mid-stage dementia.

We help clear things up for you. Our videos explain each item and let you know who they are suitable for. 

It is not just dementia.

The Item provide solutions for a range of conditions. Conditions including dysphagia, Parkinson's, strokes, mobility issues, autism, visual impairments, or age-related conditions.

Take the Sippa Cup, for example, item number E408, the first cup that allows people do drink in a chin down position and protect their airways. Perfect for people with dysphagia or any swallowing difficulty. You can click the picture of the Sippa Cup to view this item and find out more, alternatively you can simply click the button below.

“Part of the Training 2 CARE Group (one of the largest care specific training providers in the UK), The Item is the place where loved ones and people with medical conditions can find the right items, for the right conditions, at right price and most importantly at the right time. We work with trusted manufacturers to discuss, explain, and review their items so that we can always ensure that when you purchase, you do so with knowledge and confidence. We are your bridge to reduce the burden of constant searching to improve the lives of people that we support.”

Glenn Knight, CEO of Training 2 CARE Group
